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Gifts To Sew

Created by SewHayleyJane - 2 months ago
Admin SewHayleyJane

Are you sewing any Christmas gifts this year? Share your favourite projects to sew for gifts.

2 months ago
Admin SewHayleyJane

I have two teenage nieces, a couple of years ago I made them PJ bottoms from the rainbow tartan fabric we had in the boxes. I have a few scraps so going to make them each a zipper pouch with some reusable make up wipes, chocolate and make-up voucher 

2 months ago
Moderator Sewinglikethewolf

I'm making Christmas stockings this year using the pattern from Tilly and the Buttons - Yes, that updated file was because of me!

Having a new baby nephew this year, I wanted to make him one for his first Christmas... now it has snowballed into making FIVE matching stockings for my sister, brother-in-law, and both the dogs, each personalised with their name on... why do we do this to ourselves?! They are going to look so cute though 🥰

Anyone else making stockings?

2 months ago
SHJ Member Val

I have made 4 woodloes bags, the pattern was in a previous SHJ box, using the meter cottons, Daisies and Stary Skies. I have also made advant calendars for son and daughter in-law. Putting scratch cards in each of the pockets.  

2 months ago
SHJ Member Han

I've agreed to make Christmas Eve pjs for the family - 2 kids, 2 adults, and a dog! Also made some pot holders for the neighbours and going to attempt some make up bags if I get time between work, kids, and other prep!

2 months ago
SHJ Member Nick

I've made pj pants for my daughter, just waiting for elastic. 
I'm making 4 tote bags for her home ed tutors. It's a new pattern and as with most bags I think it's taking me longer to cut out and interface everything than it will to sew them up! 
I also need to make a k pitting bag with watermelon themed gnome fabric for my bff 

2 months ago
Moderator Tamlyn

I'm very impressed with everyone's plans! I have made a booksleeve for my Secret Santa recipient, but otherwise I have left it WAY too late to make anything else. Must start earlier next year...

2 months ago
SHJ Member Kelly

After watching vlogmas last year I thought I would get organised and make everyone gifts, but alas no! 🤣 I am a selfish selfish sewer! I will, however, make my mother-in-law a little glasses pouch. She saw the one I made Ritchie and would very much like one. 

2 months ago
SHJ Member TheSpeedySewist

I'm making a doll from an old magazine for one of my niece's and I've made a hot water bottle cover for my mother in laws with leftover fabric from a lap quilt I made for her birthday.

2 months ago

I am making a make-up bag for my partner's grandma as she travels a lot and needs one. Also, thinking of making something similar for my Secret Santa with some reusable wipes in 

2 months ago

I have made these 4 zipper pouches for friends who have daughters, also going to make them a key fob each and will pop a lip balm and probably some chocolate in there!

2 months ago
SHJ Member Jade

Great thread!

Yes, I have been busy sewing up gifts this year. I have finished two quilts for family members, they have taken me a year to finish as once they get to binding stage everything slows down considerably! 

I have also made a variety of lovely toiletry bags and makeup pouches (12 so far). I used the Bristol Pouch and Holland Pouch pattern by Centre Street Quilts which is super easy and a pretty quick make for any fat quarters and scraps you have lying around. 

2 months ago
Admin SewHayleyJane

I'm loving everyone's ideas and makes, lots of lovely make up bags and pouches!!

2 months ago
SHJ Member helen-a78

I have made some very quick and simple bookmarks from some fat quarters from the boxes. I am a teaching assistant so they are a Christmas gift for the children in my class.

2 months ago
SHJ Member Sewbees1

Hiya - I've made my husband a towelling fleecy dressing gown with the Named pattern from a previous box. 

I've made two aviator hats for my Brother and his partner using the Waves and wild pattern which I would really recommend.

....and last but not least stockings and Christmas hats!

I'd post photos but I've already wrapped everything 😂

Looking forward to a selfish sew in the new year 😂

2 months ago
Admin SewHayleyJane

I have made some very quick and simple bookmarks from some fat quarters from the boxes. I am a teaching assistant so they are a Christmas gift for the children in my class.

helen-a78 - 2 months ago

These are so lovely! what a sweet thing to do!

2 months ago
Admin SewHayleyJane

Hiya - I've made my husband a towelling fleecy dressing gown with the Named pattern from a previous box. 

I've made two aviator hats for my Brother and his partner using the Waves and wild pattern which I would really recommend.

....and last but not least stockings and Christmas hats!

I'd post photos but I've already wrapped everything 😂

Looking forward to a selfish sew in the new year 😂

Sewbees1 - 2 months ago

Oh wow you've been so busy!! I'm sure it will all be so well appreciated! 

2 months ago
SHJ Member LetitiaTish

I have two teenage nieces, a couple of years ago I made them PJ bottoms from the rainbow tartan fabric we had in the boxes. I have a few scraps so going to make them each a zipper pouch with some reusable make up wipes, chocolate and make-up voucher 

SewHayleyJane - 2 months ago

Awesome gifts. May need to pinch your idea with pride for next Christmas.

2 months ago
Admin SewHayleyJane

Awesome gifts. May need to pinch your idea with pride for next Christmas.

LetitiaTish - 2 months ago

Hehe! Do it, they went down very well!

2 months ago
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